Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 37 of 365

Sounds from the baby monitor. Oh how I love to listen to her talk to Minnie Mouse in the morning. How I miss the little squeaks she used to make when she was a tiny baby. Yes...I'll admit that I still have it on every night since we moved her to the crib when she was around 4 months old. We kept her in the cradle in our room until then. There's not a night that goes by that I don't have it on. You might think I'm crazy for doing it...but it's my security blanket at night...and I fall asleep to the sounds of her lullabies playing.

This afternoon I was taking a few moments to rest...I've got a nasty chest cold brewing...and this time I got to listen to her and her Daddy playing. Those are the sweet sounds that make me smile. They read book after book...until someone desperately needed to know where Minnie went...and I got up. I don't ever regret keeping that monitor on all night..I never want to miss a second with her :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh how I remember those feelings! No, I didn't have the monitor, but I was always coming into your room to check on you. I remember wishing I could just keep you from growing up!! But look what I have now -- a beautiful granddaughter! Time moves on, but the love just keeps growing.
    I love you!


  3. Aww...I love you too Mom!! :)
