Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 23 of 365

Guess I'm on a b&w kick lately. Just working on getting processing...always struggle with b&w's...and using the gradient map. I never know what looks non photog followers are probably bored now :) Enough of the jargon. It was bath time...and she was looking at her daddy...and squealing as usual. You can see his profile in her eyes when you zoom it :)


  1. I like this a lot and the conversion is very nice. I'm with you on never knowing what looks right. Lately I've just been resorting to a preset in LightRoom to save myself the time and agony.

  2. Thanks Andrea!! I appreciate your feedback :) I still have yet to find a b&w action that I like. So that's great you have one you like in LR.
